The Smashing Book #2: Links and References

On this page we collected all links from the Smashing Book 2 for your convenience. Please bear in mind that the content or designs may have changed in some cases.

You might want to check as well:

Chapter 1: The Principles of Great Graphic Design

Matt Ward and Alexander Charchar

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 1


Reading List

Typography and Composition


Theory, Opinion, Ideas


Chapter 2: Visible vs. Invisible Design

Francisco Inchauste

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 2


Chapter 3: Designing Mobile Use Experiences

Mike Rundle

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 4: Sketching, Wireframing and Prototyping

Janko Jovanovic

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 4


Chapter 5: Red Flags (Warning Signs) in Web Development

Christian Heilmann

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 5

Chapter 6: The Future of Web Typography

Vivien Anayian

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 6

Interviewees list and credits

Chapter 7: Applying Game Design Principles to User Experience Design

Christoph Kolb

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 7

Chapter 8: When They Click: Psychology of Web Design and User Behavior

Susan Weinschenk

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 8


Chapter 9: Design Patterns in e-Commerce Websites (Study)

Steven Bradley

The Smashing Book 2 Chapter 9


Although we tried to do our best to avoid any mistakes or errors in the book, we did make some mistakes. We apoplogize for that. Here is the list of the mistakes we've found so far (you can also report mistakes and errors in the book):